
Multicultural Folktales

Series of 12 titles
Format Price Qty

This captivating series transports young readers to worlds where everything is alive and anything can happen! Gathered from across the globe, these stories are traditional tales that have stood the test of time. With original artwork and lively text, these faithful retellings will fascinate young readers while teaching them what we have in common with cultures from around the world. Additional features to aid comprehension include a map of the story's country of origin as well as a discussion of the story's meaning. A short activity as well as critical-thinking questions and an introduction to the author and illustrator are also included in each book.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Multicultural Folktales (12 titles) New! Reinforced book ($275.40)
Bouki Cuts Wood New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
Frog Went A-Traveling New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Frog King New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Story of Jumping Mouse New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
Issun Boshi (One-Inch Boy) New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
Medio Pollito (Half-Chick) New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Pied Piper of Hamelin New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Magic Paintbrush New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Boy at the Dike New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
Jack and the Beanstalk New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
The Mouse and the Wizard New! Reinforced book ($22.95)
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