
Aventuras inteligentes para niños listos

Series of 4 titles
Format Price Qty

Four friends and their sidekicks create a SMART (Sidekicks, Maya, Arthur, Rita, Tobias) adventuring team. Working together, each of the kids uses their unique skills--from creative thinking to wilderness survival--to solve the mystery presented in each story. Translated into North American Spanish, readers can solve the puzzles along with the characters while learning map skills that support geography standards. Humorous dialogue will engage readers. Includes an answer key.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Aventuras inteligentes para niños listos (4 titles) New! Reinforced book ($103.80)
Encuentra tu camino con GPS New! 3.2 Reinforced book ($25.95)
Explorar la naturaleza New! 3.7 Reinforced book ($25.95)
Traza tu ruta a Marte New! 3.7 Reinforced book ($25.95)
Usar un mapa del tesoro New! 3.3 Reinforced book ($25.95)
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