
Ancient Worlds

Series of 6 titles
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From infamous despots to famous philosophers, key characters and facets of the ancient world come alive in this hi-lo series for struggling readers. Written with reluctant readers in mind, considerate text, engaging stories, and intriguing sidebars and photographs will help open readers' eyes to the wonders of the ancient world.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Ancient Worlds (6 titles) New! Reinforced book ($134.70)
Ancient Rulers Who Wrecked the World New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
Ancient Laws: The Weird and the Deadly New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
Ancient Innovations That Shaped History New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
Social Media in the Age of Socrates New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
Waging Ancient Warfare New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
Surviving Ancient Droughts, Plagues, and Natural Disasters New! Reinforced book ($22.45)
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