Discovering Ancient Technology

Series of 6 titles
Format Price Qty

When people think of technology, they often think of robots, smartphones, electric cars, and other fairly modern inventions. However, the ancient world was filled with its own kind of technological wonders, too, some of which we still use today. From irrigation systems and farming techniques to calendars and pyramids, readers are introduced to a wide variety of scientific and engineering achievements made by ancient peoples such as the Egyptians, Aztecs, Chinese, and Greeks. Colorful photographs and illustrations with clear labels work together to help readers visualize the exciting world of ancient technology.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Discovering Ancient Technology (6 titles)
Discovering the Technology of Ancient China
Discovering the Technology of Ancient Egypt
Discovering the Technology of Ancient Greece
Discovering the Technology of Ancient Mesopotamia
Discovering the Technology of Ancient Rome
Discovering the Technology of the Ancient Americas
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 4
Copyright 2024
BISACS JNF061000, JNF025020
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Cavendish Square
Imprint Cavendish Square
Series Discovering Ancient Technology
Language English
Number of Pages 48
ISBN 9781502669483
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2023-08-15
Features Index, Informative sidebars, Timeline of key events
Graphics Full-color photographs