Wildly Weird Weather

Series of 6 titles
Format Price Qty

What is a moonbow? Why do frogs mysteriously fall from the sky? What happens when a person is struck by lightning? What is a volcano tornado and how does it form? What exactly is a haboob? Readers will discover the answer to these questions and much more in this fascinating and fact-packed set about weird and wild weather! Each book in the set showcases a bizarre natural phenomenon, offering historical examples, helpful diagrams, and photographs to deepen readers' understanding. It's a must-have for young scientists and nature enthusiasts.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Wildly Weird Weather (6 titles)
It's a Volcano Tornado!
It's Not Supposed to Snow Here!
It's Raining Frogs!
Struck by Lightning!
That's a Moonbow!
What's a Haboob?
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 2
Copyright 2024
BISACS JNF051160, JNF037080
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Gareth Stevens Publishing
Imprint Gareth Stevens
Series Wildly Weird Weather
Language English
Number of Pages 24
ISBN 9781538289174
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2023-08-15
Features Glossary of key words, Index
Graphics Full-color photographs