Imagine with Nelephant...

Series of 4 titles
Format Price Qty

Using your imagination unlocks the door to new worlds that teach you new things about yourself. This is the important lesson young readers learn when they meet Nelephant and her friends Wabbit, Waggy, and Wolly Olly. As they each use their imagination to dream up amazing adventures and express their strengths and what makes them special, readers explore the concepts of bravery, creativity, and the importance of friendship. These beautifully illustrated picture books are sure to captivate and comfort readers, inviting them to unleash the power of their own imaginations.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Imagine with Nelephant... (4 titles)
Nelephant Finds Her Feet
Wabbit Takes the Plunge
Waggy Rides Again
Wolly Olly Takes Flight
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 1
Copyright 2024
BISACS JUV039060, JUV051000
Genre Fiction
Publisher Rosen Publishing
Imprint Windmill Books
Series Imagine with Nelephant...
Language English
Number of Pages 24
ISBN 9781538393901
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2023-08-15