All-Star Smackdown (Lerner ™ Sports)

Series of 6 titles
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Read about the world's greatest athletes and compare their careers in a fun and exciting head-to-head format. Explore their stats and greatest moments, and then choose a winner. Will your favorite come out on top?

Title   ATOS Format Qty
All-Star Smackdown (Lerner ™ Sports) (6 titles)
Aaron Donald vs. Reggie White: Who Would Win?
LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan: Who Would Win?
Patrick Mahomes vs. Peyton Manning: Who Would Win?
Stephen Curry vs. Magic Johnson: Who Would Win?
Tina Charles vs. Lisa Leslie: Who Would Win?
Tom Brady vs. Joe Montana: Who Would Win?
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Copyright 2024
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Lerner Publications ™
Series All-Star Smackdown (Lerner ™ Sports)
Language English
ISBN F23Lerner28
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2023-08-01