Facing Your Fears

Series of 4 titles
Format Price Qty

In this Pebble Emerge series, new and emergent readers will explore some of the most common fears. Readers discover the origins of these fears and gain knowledge to ease anxieties associated with them. With simple, engaging language and colorful photos, these books will make FACING YOUR FEARS a lot less frightful.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Facing Your Fears (4 titles)
Facing Your Fear of Bugs
Facing Your Fear of Dogs
Facing Your Fear of Rats and Mice
Facing Your Fear of Snakes
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 1
BISACS JNF044000, JNF053050
Publisher Capstone
Imprint Pebble
Series Facing Your Fears
Language English
Number of Pages 24
ISBN 9780756574017
Title Format Hardcover
Release Date 2023-08-01
Author Heather E. Schwartz,Renee Biermann,Nicole A. Mansfield
Dimensions 8 x 8

Author: Heather E. Schwartz,Renee Biermann,Nicole A. Mansfield