The Science Behind...

Series of 4 titles
Format Price Qty

Millions of kids in the United States play sports. From soccer to gymnastics, these sports are great ways to learn teamwork, discipline, and fitness. But they are also full of science! This set breaks down concepts such as friction, forces, aerodynamics, and kinetic energy in simple ways using soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and martial arts. With a colorful design and cute robot character in each book, this set is perfect for sports lovers, future scientists, and reluctant readers alike. Science is fun when you get to play sports while learning!

Title   ATOS Format Qty
The Science Behind... (4 titles)
Martial Arts
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
Copyright 2023
BISACS JNF054000, JNF051140
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Enslow Publishing
Imprint Enslow Publishing
Series The Science Behind...
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2023-01-15
Features Informative sidebars
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 6.5 x 9.125