People Poisons

Series of 4 titles
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Young readers are likely familiar with scenes of animals struggling with plastic bags, factories spewing out smoke, and tractors spraying chemicals. Many have also probably experienced an adult telling them to avoid eating too much of certain processed foods. However, early elementary students might not realize how these common features of the modern world can have serious impacts on environmental and human health. This illuminating set will help students make these vital connections so they can not only take steps to improve their own wellness, but also the well-being of the world around them.Each Book Contains: • Fascinating fact boxes on every spread and multiple questions that inspire readers to think more critically about each environmental and health problem • Descriptions of current challenges and solutions presented in a simple and welcoming way suitable to young readers • Enticing full-color photographs, a dynamic design on every spread, and a vocabulary-expanding glossary to keep readers engaged in learning about pressing environmental and human health concerns Curriculum Connections: • This set promotes an understanding of healthy behaviors that is a vital part of elementary health curricula for New York, Texas, California, and Florida • This set uncovers how modern practices that harm the environment, including spraying pesticides and littering with plastic, can make their way through natural systems such as food chains to impact people • Readers will gain an ability to analyze whether certain modern foods, practices, and products are beneficial to their longterm health

Title   ATOS Format Qty
People Poisons (4 titles) Reinforced book ($70.60)
Air Pollution Reinforced book ($18.15)
Pesticides Reinforced book ($18.15)
Plastic Reinforced book ($18.15)
Processed Foods Reinforced book ($18.15)
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