Cuenta conmigo (Count with Me)

Series of 4 titles
Format Price Qty

Mathematically proficient people know how to connect numbers to situations. To nurture an understanding of numbers, young learners use objects to aid them in conceptualizing and solving problems. Each beautifully illustrated book in this high-interest series provides many opportunities for readers to count objects and characters, up to ten. Each volume provides a unique adventure with aliens, superheroes, monsters, and fairies-creatures readers will enjoy getting to know. The at-level text is crafted to be achievable for the beginning reader and motivating for the budding mathematician. • Illustrations correlate closely with the action of the story • Readers are encouraged through questions and clever plot points to count to different numbers • Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities is a standard of the early elementary math classroom

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cuenta conmigo (Count with Me) (4 titles)
Cuenta con extraterrestres (Counting with Aliens)
Cuenta con hadas (Count with Fairies)
Cuenta con monstruos (Counting with Monsters)
Cuenta con superhéroes (Counting with Superheroes)
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!
Reading Level Grade 1
Copyright 2023
BISACS JNF035030, JNF013030
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Gareth Stevens Publishing
Imprint Gareth Stevens
Series Cuenta conmigo (Count with Me)
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 24
ISBN 9781538282410
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2022-08-15
Dimensions 8.5 x 8.5