Caring for Your Pet Dinosaur

Series of 6 titles
Format Price Qty

Having a pet dinosaur is no joke. From dealing with the dinosaur's incredible size to figuring out how to feed it, owning a dino is hard work! Before they bring home a T. Rex egg or adopt a fullygrown Diplodocus, help readers explore, through humorous, narrative text, what it would take to actually have a pet dinosaur.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Caring for Your Pet Dinosaur (6 titles) Reinforced book ($149.70)
Taking Care of Your Diplodocus Reinforced book ($24.95)
Taking Care of Your Iguanodon Reinforced book ($24.95)
Taking Care of Your Stegosaurus Reinforced book ($24.95)
Taking Care of Your T. Rex Reinforced book ($24.95)
Taking Care of Your Triceratops Reinforced book ($24.95)
Taking Care of Your Velociraptor Reinforced book ($24.95)
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