Curiosidad por los vehículos geniales

Series of 6 titles
Format Price Qty

How is a top fuel dragster like a rocket? How do you soup up a hot rod? Build on kids' natural curiosity about the highinterest topic of vehicles with a fun questionandanswer format that reinforces inquiry skills. A Stay Curious! Learn More feature models research skills while simple infographics support visual literacy.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Curiosidad por los vehículos geniales (6 titles) Reinforced book ($149.70)
The Robot Reinforced book ($24.95)
The Thirsty Dragon Reinforced book ($24.95)
Trouble for James Reinforced book ($24.95)
We Need a Vacation! Reinforced book ($24.95)
Where Is My Tablet? Reinforced book ($24.95)
Curiosidad por los stock cars Reinforced book ($24.95)
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