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Adventure & Adventurers

93 records found. Displaying 1 - 20.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Amelia Earhart Crosses the Atlantic New! Reinforced book ($20.99)
Charles Darwin Studies Animals in the Galápagos New! Reinforced book ($20.99)
Neil Armstrong Lands on the Moon New! Reinforced book ($20.99)
Sacajawea Explores the West New! Reinforced book ($20.99)
The Endurance Expedition New! Reinforced book ($21.95)
Magellan's Voyage New! Reinforced book ($21.95)
Defying Death: True Tales of Survival, Part 2 New! Reinforced book ($29.85)
Defying Death: True Tales of Survival Reinforced book ($29.85)
Eureka! True Tales of Discovery New! Reinforced book ($29.85)
Nellie Bly's Daring Trip Around the World Hardcover ($27.49)
Great Moments in History (4 titles) Hardcover ($109.96)
Heroic Animals (4 titles) Reinforced book ($109.96)
Zeus vs. Ra Hardcover ($21.92)
Mythology Matchups (4 titles) Hardcover ($87.68)
Diana vs. Athena Hardcover ($21.92)
Hades vs. Anubis: The Deadly Duel Hardcover ($23.49)
Loki vs. Hermes Hardcover ($21.92)
Frigg vs. Aphrodite: Battle of the Beauties Hardcover ($23.49)
Hercules vs. Thor Hardcover ($21.92)
Mythology Matchups (4 titles) Hardcover ($93.96)
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