
Conker the Chameleon

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Did you know that chameleons change their color to show how they are feeling? Well, most chameleons do … Conker is a little different. He doesn't change color! He doesn't turn yellow in fright or blue with sadness or red when he's mad. At first, this made Conker upset. But eventually he learns that he can do something special--he can talk about his feelings! This charming rhyming tale teaches readers about the importance of sharing their emotions, as well as the importance of understanding their unique strengths. Activities invite readers to explore self-care strategies and identify their feelings.

Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 1
Copyright 2025
BISACS JUV039140, JUV039050
Genre Fiction
Publisher Rosen Publishing
Imprint Windmill Books
Series -
Language English
Number of Pages 32
ISBN 9781538397046
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2024-08-15
Author Hannah Peckham
Illustrator Stephanie Jayne
Features Activities for further learning
Dimensions 8.5 x 11
Guided Reading Level K