I have eight titles and teach youngsters about historic landmarks . . .What am I? The new American Place Puzzlers series, of course! In these
guessing-game-style installments, each flip of the page introduces a declarative one- or two-sentence clue and a corresponding double-page
photo (complete with sneaky puzzle-piece-shaped gaps). Although the penultimate spread reveals the mystery location, concluding “Fast Facts”
and “Where Am I?” pages offer comprehensive statistics, including historical context, maps, measurements, and one extra-compelling “Cool
Fact.” The quite-literal Colossal and Concrete acquaints young readers with the Hoover Dam. Built between 1931 and 1936 in the Black Canyon
of the Colorado River, the dam comprises hundreds of five-foot-tall “colossal concrete blocks.” Green and Spiky presents the Statue of Liberty,
accentuating her copper exterior, tablet- and torch-bearing hands, and 377-step spiral staircase along the way. Historic and Lively showcases the most obscure destination of the bunch, Colonial Williamsburg. Though Williamsburg was founded in 1632, this land of cannons and horse-drawn
carriages first opened as a tourist destination in 1932. White and Majestic highlights—you guessed it—the White House, 132 rooms and
all! Though back matter is often more informative than the preceding clues, each book’s simple sentences, engaging layout, and mystery infused
approach will have beginning readers and budding history buffs raring to crack the case.