Shiny and Soaring

From the Series American Place Puzzlers
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What has 71 elevators and is covered in shiny glass triangles? If you guessed One World Trade Center, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery American place by describing its features, one by one, using short simple sentences and eye-popping full-color photos. At the end of the book, the secret place is revealed across a colorful, two-page spread. Young children will love showing off their beginning reading skills as they learn about amazing American places--one clue at a time! Fast facts and maps at the end of the book provide key information about the place. Rich, colorful photos and a clever design are sure to grab and excite emergent readers.

Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 1
Copyright 2018
BISACS JNF025170, JNF025260, JNF038100
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Imprint Bearport Books
Series American Place Puzzlers
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Lexile 360
ISBN 9781684024834
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2017-12-15
Author Joyce Markovics
Features Author/Illustrator biography, Correlations, Detailed maps, Glossary of key words, Index, Sources for further research, Table of contents
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 8 x 8
Guided Reading Level E
ATOS Reading Level 1.0
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 194505
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5

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