
From the Series Animal Classes
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Dinosaurs, the world's most notorious reptiles, became extinct a long time ago. However, their cold-blooded, scaly reptile relatives still creep around today. While people no longer have to fear the teeth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, they still encounter the jaws of alligators, crocodiles, and snakes. Explore the reptile realm in this book for beginning readers.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Kindergarten
Copyright 2013
Genre Nonfiction
Publisher Bellwether Media
Imprint Blastoff! Readers
Series Animal Classes
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Lexile 560
Scholastic Reading Counts! Level 3.2
Scholastic Reading Counts! Quiz Q58561
Scholastic Reading Counts! Points 1.0
ISBN 9781600147760
Title Format Reinforced book
Release Date 2012-08-01
Author Kari Schuetz
Dewey 597
Guided Reading Level K
ATOS Reading Level 3.2
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 154013
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5

School Library Journal: Series Made Simple

These volumes begin by explaining that “all animals belong to the animal kingdom.” A diagram then gives examples of the classes of animals that are vertebrates and those that are invertebrates. Common shared characteristics are covered, and the bright color photos pop off the pages. Although phyla, order, family, genus, and species are not mentioned specifically, Reptiles and Mammals both discuss how their classes are broken down into smaller groups. Record-breakers (largest, smaller, fastest, etc.) are listed at the end of each volume. Thorough glossaries are included, and the lists of further reading are adequate. The generic Factsurfer website suggested in each title offers a mixed bag for children wanting to find out more on the Internet. Serviceable introductions.

Author: Kari Schuetz

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