From the Series Compact Research: Diseases and Disorders
Hepatitis is a disease of the liver, leading to long-term illnesses in as many as 500 million people worldwide. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full-color illustrations this title examines How Does Hepatitis Affect People? How Prevalent Is Hepatitis? What Are the Social Impacts of Hepatitis? and Can Hepatitis Be Prevented?
Interest Level | Grade 7 - Grade 12 |
Reading Level | Grade 7 |
Copyright | 2009 |
Genre | Nonfiction |
Publisher | ReferencePoint Press |
Series | Compact Research: Diseases and Disorders |
Language | English |
Number of Pages | 112 |
ISBN | 9781601520395 |
Title Format | Reinforced book |
Release Date | 2009-01-01 |
Author | Hal Marcovitz |
Dewey | 616.3 |
Reviewed on 1 November 2008
School Library Journal
Gr 9 Up Each of these books contains the same foreword, stating that part of the series goal is to present “information on a current topic in a user-friendly style that invites, intrigues, and fosters understanding.” Mission accomplished. The organized, uniform structure includes an opening overview of the disease or disorder, with subsequent chapters divided into three parts: text, quotations from primary sources, and “Facts and Illustrations,” which includes bulleted snippets of information and color photographs and drawings. While the illustrations are helpful access points, their separation from the text can be inconvenient. The firsthand or expert accounts that open chapters and are sprinkled throughout are astutely selected and seamlessly woven into the presentation. These quality sources could be used in a variety of different ways-straight reporting for speech or debate ideas (Anorexia’s discussion of “pro-Ana” Web sites could be used in debates on free speech, for example), or as a springboard for further research.
Reviewed on 1 November 2008
School Library Journal
Gr 9 Up-Each of these books contains the same foreword, stating that part of the series goal is to present “information on a current topic in a user-friendly style that invites, intrigues, and fosters understanding.” Mission accomplished. The organized, uniform structure includes an opening overview of the disease or disorder, with subsequent chapters divided into three parts: text, quotations from primary sources, and “Facts and Illustrations,” which includes bulleted snippets of information and color photographs and drawings. While the illustrations are helpful access points, their separation from the text can be inconvenient. The firsthand or expert accounts that open chapters and are sprin-kled throughout are astutely selected and seamlessly woven into the presentation. These quality sources could be used in a variety of different ways-straight reporting for speech or debate ideas (Anorexia’s discussion of “pro-Ana” Web sites could be used in debates on free speech, for example), or as a springboard for further research.