School Library Journal

Cover: UH-60 Black Hawks

These slim volumes have a limited, but sufficient amount of information. Designed as introductory material, each volume briefly describes the history and use of the featured machine and provides a page listing its physical specifications; primary function, height, weight, length, top speed, crew, etc. Vocabulary is appropriate, with glossary words in boldface. “Fast Fact” boxes provide additional information. Illustrations are spread-filling, action-packed color photos that sometimes feature a smaller superimposed photo, adding detail. Each title has a color theme-green, blue, or burnt orange -with the pages matching the color of the cover. The photography has been digitally altered to permit the page color to dominate the photo background. There are a few captions, but the narratives are descriptive enough that they are not usually necessary. The only criticism is that the opening paragraph of each title is a contrived battle scenario, and the conclusions are a bit weak. Still, these books are good choices for libraries needing this genre and level.

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UH-60 Black Hawks 4.2
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