
Each volume in this series examines a particular time period or historical event in great depth, with sections including an overview of the subject along with causes and legacies. The Enlightenment explores advances in science, art, and medicine during the Enlightenment period as well as the Enlightenment as a cause of the American Revolution. The Rise of Islam follows the life of Muhammad and the events immediately following his death and the beginnings of the ongoing conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and briefly explains the tenets of the Muslim faith. The Rise of the Nazis examines the causes and events leading up to World War II, including the problems in the German government between the World Wars, and how Adolf Hitler’s talent for propaganda helped him rise to power. Although slim at less than one hundred pages each, these books are dense, containing solid information for report writers and anyone interested in the topics. The text is highly readable and sidebars pull out and further examine interesting tidbits. Colorful illustrations appear throughout. Extensive back matter includes resources for research, further reading, and short biographies of key players within historical events. Understanding World History is a solid purchase for middle and high school libraries as well as public libraries with large nonfiction collections.

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