School Library Journal

Cover: Seals

“Simple sentences in large print are combined with bright, colorful underwater photographs in these easy readers. Starting with a brief explanation, such as “Sea dragons are a kind of fish,” information is provided on where these creatures are found (“Most seals live along the ocean shore”); specific body parts (“A stingray has eyes on the top of its body”); how they protect themselves (“Sea anemones hide clown fish from other fish”); and what they eat (“A stingray eats fish, worms, shrimp, and clams”). The books include a reference to On most pages, more than three fourths of the page is covered with an eye-catching photo; some pictures are full spreads. These titles help to introduce the marine world to the very young in a pleasant yet educational manner. For more information, try Miriam Gross’s The Sea Dragon and The Stingray (both Rosen, 2006), which also have great photos. Doe Boyle’s Coral Reef Hideaway: The Story of the Clown Anemonefish (1995) and Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld’s Seal Pup Grows Up (1994, both Soundprints) are both kid-appealing standbys with true-to-life illustrations and information in a story format.”

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