
Cover: Life in Nazi Germany

Rather than focus on a string of historical events, these titles in the Living History series highlight how citizens lived during key time periods. Complemented by maps, period photos, or reproductions of the time period, each book begins with a time line of important dates. “Life in Nazi Germany” gives a thorough overview of Hitler’s rise to power and his effective use of propaganda to create an idealistic Aryan nation and disparage Jews through symbolism and the media. In addition to discussing Jewish life in German cities, it also examines the expectations of the Nazi police, German citizens as a whole, and children indoctrinated in Hitler Youth programs. While “Life in the Time of Shakespeare” does reference the bard, the focus is more on Queen Elizabeth I and the influence of her court, including crime and methods of punishment. The book examines the similarities and differences of city life versus country life, as well as the advantages and risks of life at sea. Another chapter is dedicated to the growth of language and education. Throughout the series, numerous primary-source documents and historians’ perspectives add to the validity and interest. Living History delivers what it aims, providing students with a more complete look at history.

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