
Cover: Is Legalized Marijuana Good for Society?

These new books in the In Controversy series provide comprehensive overviews for teens on debatable social issues of today. The text, which carefully avoids the passion these issues often raise, can be a bit dry. Still, the books are informative, clearly written, and well referenced. Each book covers its topic in impressive breadth. How Are Digital Devices Impacting Society? covers the context of digital and earlier technologies; privacy and social concerns raised by smartphones and Internet use; effects on brain development, learning, obesity, and mental illness; and criminal uses such as hacking, terrorism, and bullying. Is Enough Being Done to Protect Athletes from Concussions? deals with the mechanics and medical dangers of concussions, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy; how professional sports such as football, hockey, soccer, and boxing have addressed the issue; how to protect younger athletes from brain injury; and who is responsible for preventing damage from concussions. Is Legalized Marijuana Good for Society? provides historical background on Prohibition, racial bias, and the War on Drugs, as well as research on medical applications of marijuana, the risks and dangers it may pose to society, and the conflict between state and federal laws on the topic. Overall, these books will be excellent research sources for students preparing for debates, essays, or other projects.

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