Brett Curzon

Brett Curzon lives in northern New South Wales, Australia, with his wife, three kids, two dogs, and one evil cat. He has always drawn or painted. His career started by exploring the early medium of crayon on the family living room walls. He has diplomas in graphic design and illustration and fine art. He is a member of Illustrators Australia, and the 2018 winner of the Illustrators of Australia and New Zealand Silver Award for product design. Brett’s whimsical art can be seen in many forms, including children’s books, puzzles, water bottles, and clothing. When he is not working away, he can be found in the ocean, or at the very least only a few feet away.

Recent Products

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Children's Illustrated Atlas of Canada New!
Children's Illustrated Atlas of the Solar System New!
Children's Illustrated Atlas of the United States New!
Children's Illustrated Atlas of the World New!
Cody Crashes New!
Hannah Helps New!
Louie Gets Lost New!
Marta Makes a Mess New!
  • Soon!
  • New!
  • New!

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